
Blog Hiatus
With the official step-down of the 2007/2008 committee, all administrative rights will be handed over to the 2008/2009 committee. It will be up to the new committee to decide on the fate of this blog. Till a decision is made, this blog will remain in hiatus.

On behalf of Malam 2008 and CMSA 2008, thank you for visiting this site and i hope that you had a good year with us! All the best to the newly elected committee too! We look forward to a great year ahead!

CMSA Website

It is up and running again! yay! Check out

Post-Malam Survey

Thank you for attending Malam Malaysia 2008. We would appreciate if you could take some time out to fill in our post-malam survey. It will help us a lot during our post-mortem. Thank you!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


They told me there is no “I” in team.

I am an athlete.
I am an individual.
I am strong.
I am weak.
I have desires, hopes, and dreams.
I have goals.
I have fears.
As a team my opponent will never see my weaknesses.
Only my strength, never my fears, only my goals as they unfold before them.
I am not afraid that my team will see my fears, my hopes,
dreams, or desires.

I trust them to an unlimited level.
I am not afraid that my team will see my faults, because
With them I can overcome my faults, with them I am
fearless, with them I have hopes and dreams.
With my team I am not weak, I do not have the strength
of one athlete, but of many, combined, focused,
And dangerous to my un-united opponent.
I become my team and my team becomes me.
I do not judge, and I am not judged.
I have a goal, and the team has a goal.
The team goal is my goal.
All that matters is that the team reaches its goal.
They always told me there is no “I” in “Team”.
They were wrong.
I am the team.
I became the team.
The team became me.
The team becomes an entity unto itself.
The team is strong, creative, compassionate, caring,
Authoritative, disciplined.
The team absorbs “I”, and then there is “I” in “Team”.
The “I” becomes part of something much more powerful.

They were right there is no “I” in “Team”,
But there is “Team” in me.

...and because of that


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