
Blog Hiatus
With the official step-down of the 2007/2008 committee, all administrative rights will be handed over to the 2008/2009 committee. It will be up to the new committee to decide on the fate of this blog. Till a decision is made, this blog will remain in hiatus.

On behalf of Malam 2008 and CMSA 2008, thank you for visiting this site and i hope that you had a good year with us! All the best to the newly elected committee too! We look forward to a great year ahead!

CMSA Website

It is up and running again! yay! Check out

Post-Malam Survey

Thank you for attending Malam Malaysia 2008. We would appreciate if you could take some time out to fill in our post-malam survey. It will help us a lot during our post-mortem. Thank you!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Building networking and negotiation skills

(on behalf of Ka-Mun: you can e-mail him at kml64, yup, our student e-mail)

Hi people!

CMSA is intending to raise some funds for the upcoming Malam Malaysia.
We have formed a team of industrious people to get the gears working. (*crank crank*)

Our target this year is a half of five digits (NZD 5,000) :-) It's not an impossible target to reach - not at all :-)

We will like to share the arts of the trade. If you are keen to build some networking or negotiation skills - just hit me with a reply. Let us learn from one another :-)

If you are uncertain - hit me with a reply too. Confidence is never spontaneous - it's a learning process. We were once like you - but everything must has a start right? :-)

"If you want more, you have to require more from yourself"
-Dr. Phil-

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