
Blog Hiatus
With the official step-down of the 2007/2008 committee, all administrative rights will be handed over to the 2008/2009 committee. It will be up to the new committee to decide on the fate of this blog. Till a decision is made, this blog will remain in hiatus.

On behalf of Malam 2008 and CMSA 2008, thank you for visiting this site and i hope that you had a good year with us! All the best to the newly elected committee too! We look forward to a great year ahead!

CMSA Website

It is up and running again! yay! Check out

Post-Malam Survey

Thank you for attending Malam Malaysia 2008. We would appreciate if you could take some time out to fill in our post-malam survey. It will help us a lot during our post-mortem. Thank you!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Counting Cars...

so on a cold and frosty morning, as early as 7am (after a meet-up at 6.30am), in striking yellow vests, armed with a clip board, a pen, a counter - and anything else to make the job bearable - off went about 100 people, mainly students - stationed at intersections - counting the traffic.

yes, you count the vehicles going straight, turning left, turning right.

amongst this group of people were few people from the Malam team - who will contribute a certain amount of their earnings into the Malam fund.

yup, that's one of our fund-raising projects ;) it's actually a pretty easy (and monotonous) job - and you earn quite a lot too. So we thought this would be a good way to raise some funds.

thanks to Wan Yin's ingenius ideas! :)

i forgot to take pictures of Azmir and Natasha - they were there too. And there will be BenJ who will be taking up the afternoon shift later.

i had prior commitments in the morning so i couldn't work the full session - gutted. but that's why i also had time in the morning to take some photos and do some stuff :)

There will be more activities to come. Will update them here and do let us know if you wanna help out. you dun have to be in the team to help us with the fundraising btw ;) if you feel like it, why not? glo promises a treat for you :)

Once again, thank you to the team members who took their time out :)

On another note, finally the proposal is finished and awaiting editing from the experienced. We are right on dot with our deadlines - awesome!

June will be the exam month so there will be a slow-down. Nevertheless, do keep visiting us and feel free to leave us a shout whenever! We will be updating as often as we can!

till then, enjoy the lovely sun!


SJ Nik said...

oh my gawd u guys really went all out to raise fund for malam. im really impressed(!!) n hence keen to join u guys for the nx fund raising activities:D
keep it up guys!
"champions take chances, pressure is privilege"

WY said...

you probably won't read this by now, but spending all those time "counting" cars and "raising" really time-consuming and demoralising.... no?

try targetting chch business and malaysians entities? mas? petronas? msd? foundations? vip? vvip?

glo teng said...

hie kam :)

time-consuming - YES.

Demoralising - NO ;)

our fund-raising activities go into two streams:

1. Fund-Raising Activities

we aren't doing much of these coz obviously time is the limiting factor. am targetting to raise about at least NZD400-500 from these actvities. enough to cover our transportation subsidy and some other stuff. i dun see why it's not worth a try :)

2. Sponsorship hunts from SMEs, big businesses etc etc etc etc.

The sponsorship team has sent out sponsorship letters along with a project proposal to what we call, the 'big fish'. and we are also working on sponsorships, either in-kind or cash form, from shops and outlets ;) oo.. and the UCSA gold grant too! :D we are hoping to raise at least NZD5000 from here :)


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