
Blog Hiatus
With the official step-down of the 2007/2008 committee, all administrative rights will be handed over to the 2008/2009 committee. It will be up to the new committee to decide on the fate of this blog. Till a decision is made, this blog will remain in hiatus.

On behalf of Malam 2008 and CMSA 2008, thank you for visiting this site and i hope that you had a good year with us! All the best to the newly elected committee too! We look forward to a great year ahead!

CMSA Website

It is up and running again! yay! Check out

Post-Malam Survey

Thank you for attending Malam Malaysia 2008. We would appreciate if you could take some time out to fill in our post-malam survey. It will help us a lot during our post-mortem. Thank you!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Post-Mortem: Events


Fashion Show
  • Fashion Show:
  • Fashion show was great! Should have more of those kind of performances in future rather than always singing and dancing.
i thought it was fun too ;) i remember when Bern mentioned about the fashion show, i was quite sceptical. i told him that it has to be different from the typical cat-walk thing - hehe - being quite bossy then :P but they managed to pull it off! huhu. someone told me about trusting and i'm glad that it was a risk well-taken ;)

some people asked: how about the ibans and kadazans and bidayuhs? urm. maybe next times? there might be quite some issues involved though.. talk to Bernard for more information :p

for those who have been here long enough and have seen lots of R.A.M. performances which are really good in my humble opinion, i would say that this time round, it wasn't one of their best performances.

however, given that:
  • most of the dancers were first-year students;
  • most of the senior dancers have graduated and gone home; or either that they are final year students;
  • the president of R.A.M. met with a serious car accident and has been on wheelchair;
  • the main and perhaps sole choreographer had a 5-day field trip during the Malam week...
so ya, what happened to R.A.M.? that's what happened. but let's continue to hope and pray that they will be able to get over these tough times. i call it a 'gap issue'. Hopefully with more students coming in next year, R.A.M. would be able to come back again! Gambate!! :D

Boy Band
i am not sure about you but i had fun :p not that i am a boy band fan.. but ya.. these guys were cool! :D

Unplugged band

yes, we agreed that the singing was rather... long. actually, perhaps the next team can come out with something more entertaining that mere singing. hmm. wasn't special enough.

  • more involvement of the tech crew during rehearsals;
  • should confirm and prepare earlier;
  • punctuality very important;
  • be more well-organized and planned during rehearsals.
  • I expected better performances, but I guess it would be too much to ask from fellow students...
  • Better performance, more variety... I don't think the theme actually came out during the event...well, maybe the advertisement videos...
yes indeed, i believe that we could have done better and there is indeed much room for improvement. thanks for bearing with us :)

a few of us attended a charity culutral night hosted by the Canterbury Medical Students' Association. it was an awesome night and we had so much fun too! will definitely learn some stuff from them ;)

with regards to the theme. well. urm. apologies that we might not have done enough to bring out the theme. some said that we did live up to the theme. but ya, it's good to know that some people think otherwise.

i think it's much more than just the performances that will bring out the theme - perhaps it's the overall and general atmosphere of the night. personally i feel that the team has worked hard to do what they can to bring out the theme - and i applaud them. but well, perhaps it just wasn't enough or perhaps not what you expected. but ya, we can always do better and will always have room for improvement. so to the next committee: good luck in choosing your theme and hope you can bring it out well! :D

Audience participation
we really wanted to get more audience participation and we had a game ready. but due to time constraints, we cancelled it.

with regards to having best-dressed or beauty queen etc, i personally wasn't keen with that idea.

firstly, time constraint. from what happened during the night, dun think we will have enough time to do one.

secondly, the organization of it. what would be a 'fair' way to decide who is the winner? who chooses the winner? if the crowd, how should we do the voting system? etc etc. might not be too much effort - but it's too much effort for me :p

thirdly, from previous experiences, i found it rather... meaningless. coz i can't see anything constructive or purposeful out of it. ok, maybe it could be fun - but we need to have good crowd participation for it to be fun. i wasn't ready to gamble on that so we didn't do it. but ya, next time round, this is for the next committee to decide.

Lucky draws
many people said that Ka-Mun really did a good job! especially the suspense for the MAS ticket grand prize! three cheers for Ka-Mun!!!

Dance floor
  • lack of time... so ya.. oh well..

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